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Our Expertise

Corporate & District SWOT Analysis

Using customized SWOT analysis techniques, futurist research trends, stakeholder perceptions and institutional data, W.H. Adams & Associates, LLC provides a unique and successfully proven process for analysis, planning and assessment. This information is also often used for development of strategy planning and visioning. Specifically, at the school district level SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) may include an examination of enrollment and enrollment trends, finances, facilities, staffing and/or curriculum.


Clients include the Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC); National Center for Educational Research and Technology (NCERT);  Atlantic County New Jersey Schools; Burlington County Institute of Technology; Camden County Technical Schools; Berkeley Heights, NJ School District; Millstone Township, NJ; Chester, NJ School District; and Cumberland County, NJ Technical Center.


Governance: Planning & Execution

The effectiveness of governing bodies is often built around successful trust and respectful relationships.  This requires a clear understanding of responsibilities, mutually agreed to goals, intra-Board relationships, relationships with leadership and other stakeholder in planning and execution.


To achieve this, consideration is given to the unique attributes and characteristics of each governing body member and the leadership team in light of the organization's mission, vision and goals.  Understanding and identifying the expertise, skills and talents of each governing and leadership member will assist in better understanding the culture and how to reach desired organizational outcomes.


Special consideration is given to creating an understanding of what is black, white and gray in terms of responsibilities and shared responsibilities.  This includes an examination of relationships as they currently exist, the effectiveness of existing communication and creating an understanding of the hot buttons, energy and passion that is brought to the table by both the governing body and leadership team.

Mission, Vision & Implementation

W.H. Adams & Associates will review the district's mission, vision and/or graduate portrait in light of district data and assessment systems.  This may include a review, analysis and interpretation of a demographic study and an examination of demographic characteristics.  These may include but are not limited to a review of general population data, ethnicity, enrollment patterns and their impact on curricular alignment.  This customized approach can include a review and analysis of the organizational chart, staffing patterns, job descriptions, staffing needs and facilities.




Networking & Corporate Introductions

With over 40 years in the education community at the state, regional and national level, W.H. Adams & Associates, LLC offers networking and corporate introduction and presentation services on a highly selective basis.  These services include representation at conferences, workshops, special events and intros with selected organizations and/or clients.


Educational organizations where significant networking opportunities currently exist include AASA, ACTE, CEC, NCERT, USAA, NASBE, and NABSE to name a few.


Clients have included Pearson Foundation, EIRC, Pearson Digital, Teachscape, Loud Cloud, Voyager Sopris Learning & McGraw Hill.

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Leadership development services include coaching and mentoring of district and school level leadership teams.  Organizational reviews; superintendent, principal, and board evaluation surveys and assessments are also offered as a service.  



Executive Searches

All executive search services are exclusively conducted through with Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates.


Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates is located in Schaumburg, IL.  For more information regarding executive searches, visit or call 847-724-8465 or email billadams@hyasearch.


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