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  • DocA

it ain't easy but someone has to do it!

With the school year winding down, I thought it was the perfect time to start a blog on staying the course as a school leader! What better time to reflect, relax and well, yes, sometimes reel with exhaustion! We do what we do because - on most days - we love it. However, as we all know, the day to day challenges sometimes outweigh the short term pay-offs and it ain't EASY!

With that said, the purpose of this blog is to assist those of you who are "in the thick of it," those who support ed leaders, and those who aspire to be ed leaders. This blog is intended to be a casual "go to," written by a long-time educator who has earned his stripes and most of the grays (some came with age!). Some posts will reflect current research, some will be opinions. It is, however, my desire for all posts to be helpful and inspiring.

With that, stay tuned and keep up the great work — our children need you!

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